Possibly the most notable action of any KV-2 was at the Battle of Raseiniai, which saw a single KV-2 hold up the entirety of the 6th Panzer Division. 3rd shot on turret ring if needed. Compared to the KV-1 height of about 9 feet, the KV-2 was at 11 ft. tall. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2091002677, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2091002815. In addition, German technicians installed a good radio on the tank, replaced its spotlight with a blackout headlamp, and welded additional fixtures for cables and tools on the tanks turret. Were adding a tank with this wonderful weapon to War Thunder. It used to be half viable in high tier lineups because the HE shell would tear through the drivers roof on a lot of tanks if it hit the turret face. I knew there was an captured kv2 coming but when.. the next update lawls. r/warthundermemes Modern GAZ-AAA. Always take the PB-35 APCBC, the anti . The binoculars are the greatest assets. Another type of vehicles to worry about are the very small tanks like the M22 and the ASU-57 as these can get right under the tank's gun depression and fire away at weak points with little risk of return fire by the KV-2. For this, a request to mount a 152 mm howitzer on the KV-1 was made, and resulted in the KV-2 with its extremely large turret and an increased weight of 52 tons. Not to mention that there will always be ammunition inside the turret, so a penetrating APHE shot have a very high chance of detonating one of these ammunition. The powerful M-10 howitzer was installed in a modernized turret a lower profile than its predecessor, but still large. For firing on concrete fortifications, it possessed a 40 kg concrete-piercing shell with a 530 m/s muzzle velocity. 1 Vehicles. Due to long reloads, rangefinding should be priority whenever the distance is not clear in order to not waste the first shot. KV-2 (1940) at the Moscow Central Armed Forces Museum. All derp vehicles use HE, unless the anti-concrete is somehow working on tanks. If shooting APHE shells, two penetrating hits will often take out the gun breech as well, stopping the reload and the ability to return fire entirely. Will it ever be restored to its HISTORICAL penetration values? The KV-2 was armed with a powerful 152 mm M-10 cannon installed in its tall armoured rotating turret. The "PB-35" shell unlock can be ignored as it is only a marginal upgrade compared with the GF-530 stock shell. It also helps to utilize the rangefinder before every shot, especially at ranges past 500m. Realistic and Simulator modes are taxing for the KV-2 as the removal of the target lead indicator can make long-range fighting with the 152 mm a chore. I don't need to. The Anti Concrete shell performs worse at angles and has the same pen as the APCBC shell. KV-2 is like every Soviet tank with a 122mm gun. Video Card: NVIDIA 660 with latest proprietary drivers (not older than 6 months) / similar AMD with latest proprietary drivers (not older than 6 months; the minimum supported resolution for the game is 720p) with Vulkan support. The stern and gigantic KV-2 is an old friend to tankers in War Thunder. This page was last edited on 10 April 2023, at 11:34. The combat ineffectiveness and flaws of the KV-2 came to light, and was only put on limited production due to them, resulting in only about 334 units being produced from 1939 to 1941. Actually I used to use the Anti concrete rounds (since that was my only AP type ammunition) and they were useless. The large turret housing the 152 mm howitzer is a huge target on the KV-2, a more enticing target than the hull. The KV-2 Model 1940 is a premium tank, so every hit against an opponent provides additional Research Points and lots of Silver Lions. Due to the low quantity of KV-2 produced, they didn't see much service past the opening stages of the war due to loss from attrition or mechanical failures, however, 10 were still in service with the Voronezh Front on 4 July 1943 for the battle of Kursk. Why was this moved to academy? Firing at a relatively low velocity of ~500 m/s, the heavy rounds will be hard to lead against targets at ranges up to 500 m. After firing, the infamous long reload occur that can take up to 30 seconds even with a full crew, leaving the KV-2 vulnerable to any attacks that will more than likely cripple or destroy the KV-2. 5.3 Rus - KV-122, BTR-ZD, M4A2, KV-2 zis 6, P38, Yak3p, Tis MA Both them lineups recently, Used to play 5.7 Ger a ton since nearly every friend always played them, Ersatz, PzBef Wg V1 p, panthers and tigers. KV-2 may refer to: Contents. In addition, it has an anti-infantry DT machine gun set in a spherical mount at the front of the hull. All depends on . o7. Having said these, if you are a camper and want to play hide and shoot you should get the KV-2. Unless most of the crew is dead, the 65 seconds with only 2 crew members is slow, but probably a lot faster than it would have been in real. As a fan of the KV-2's and the german tech tree im very happy to see this! KV-2 (1939) - The first model of the KV-2; . They broke through stone fortifications and destroyed pillboxes at close range, allowing infantry divisions to pass through areas previously closed to them. Always stay hidden and go behind friendly tanks, no soloing, capping, playing hero, your traverse, speed and reload are atrocious, enemies can run circles around you if they find you. Just make sure to hit, or the tank will be alerted and counter-attack, and watch out for the rear MG if in a lighter vehicle. IIRC Either APHE is better than the HE against targets that have some reasonable armour. Though close-range fighting can fix this, close-quarters battle is not a tactic the KV-2 should indulge in alone without supporting teammates to cover for the tank in case of flankers. tank top or side armor). Because of that it's good enough at fighting vehicles up to around 2.0, but has issues with tanks from 2.3 and up. So your half right and half wrong. Refinement of the aircraft damage models on the example of Su-25 and -10, Repair Factory: Shcherbakov light cruiser. That's where the fantastic HE shell comes in handy. The outer ammo rack on the tanks rear received additional ammunition capacity note the basket mounted on our in-game model. The turret achieves at 30 up to 90 mm of steel, however, the turret ring remains a weak point on all angles. Go for it! Stay behind friendly tanks - do not lead the charge. War Thunder - The KV-2 Show The Mighty Jingles 653K subscribers Subscribe 12K 146K views 1 year ago I know what you're thinking, another video of a KV-2 one-shot derping everything in. 1940 can be obtained as a prize for participating in the event series Chronicles of World War II. However, be wary of more penetrating guns like the 75 mm on the Panther and the 76 mm on the M4 Shermans that easily piece the front turret armour. Shooting: Targets should be the gunner (right side) to stop the loading process and the loader to increase loading time to up to one and a half minutes. Huge howitzer, dealing high damage with incredible force, Fear factor, the sight of this behemoth tends to send smaller tanks fleeing in terror, Acceptable armour, especially for its rank, Bouncy hull and turret, the chassis may effectively absorb shots as well, Many experienced tank drivers would dread the characteristic, map-echoing sound of the 152 mm howitzer being fired. Captured KV-2s differed from their Soviet counterparts in several useful modifications. The KV-2 suffered from a very high profile, low speed, and was to turret heavy. But do not shoot anywhere! Just place the shots so they explode near weak surfaces (e.g. If shooting APHE shells, two penetrating hits will often take out the gun breech as well, stopping the reload and return fire ability entirely. I'm a very happy pony. This site uses cookies to analyse traffic and for anonymous statistics. It looks really cool and good at first, and then you quickly realize how utterly useless it is. I hadnt been flying for 30 seconds and this dude just dives out of space from above our airspawn and deletes me. Yay! Despite its superiority on the battlefield, some observed that the KV-1's armament was not enough to destroy some of the Finnish fortifications that they encountered. Don't you mean Pz IV? The KV-2 was a self-propelled gun, also classified as a heavy tank, used by the Soviet Union during World War II. Lastly, the KV-2 has no machine gun to deal with air or lightly armoured targets, meaning once the howitzer fires, that is it for around 30 seconds. Attention! The Soviet army needed a powerful cannon for a heavy tank, and one of the most promising examples of such a cannon was the 107mm ZiS-6, tests of which were performed on a KV-2 chassis. One of the most infamous tanks in the Soviet tree, the KV-2 introduces the concept of heavy-calibre armaments that will trend on in the Soviet heavy tank. Because it's slower, bigger, with less armor and two guns that has less penetration performance than the 50mm on the Puma. Since the usual fighting ranges exceed 600 m, getting hits without aim assist with the howitzer are rare. These new KV-2 tanks will arrive in War Thunders game server with upcoming updates keep an eye on our news! The KV-2 (1940) was a reward vehicle for the 2016 WW2 Chronicles and the 2017 Festive Quest events. with a battle rating of 3.7 (AB/RB/SB). With moving up and aiming two shots can be placed on the moving Soviet tower tank. This made for a tank that was heavily armoured, but not very mobile as it was to be for siege warfare. Squadronul canaluiui: ^DB4^ Divizia 4 Blindate Avramescu Link join discord: https://discord.gg/RFr3ya5knaDaca vreti sa va apucati de joc: http://warthunder.c. 1940 can be obtained as a prize for participating in the event series Chronicles of World War II. Thanks gaijin. The Soviets sent these tanks into Finland for combat testing, to which the KV design outperform in every way with its superior armour and firepower. One of the most infamous tanks in the Soviet tree, the KV-2 introduces the concept of heavy-calibre armaments that will trend on other Soviet heavy tanks. There may be some problems with news display in specific browser versions. 1939. This page was last edited on 10 April 2023, at 11:27. However, these traits also serve as the tank's weaknesses. Shells that penetrate will almost always destroy the enemy and even those that fail to do so will still typically do some damage or even destroy the target thanks to the huge amount of explosives in all 3 available shells. KV-2 now useless after penetration "formula" nerf. Currently I have 15 APCBC and 5 HE. The designs were the SMK, T-100, and what would be the KV-1 tank, which was named after the then Soviet Defense Commissar Kliment Voroshilov. -Step 1: Get KV-2 -Step 2: Rotate Balkenkreuz 90 degrees and put on side of KV-2 to resemble Karlsland Heer (Strike Witches reference, but not that much) -Step 3: Enlarge Balkenkreuz so it is very noticeable Step 4: Put a big Rising Sun in the front of the KV-2 cannon Step 5: Go destroy tanks that can't handle the 152mm (Will get picture later) The KV-2 is a modification of the KV-1 that mounted a M-10T (152mm) howitzer in order to provide support to infantry against fortified positions. I'm trying to use KV-2 and it is a pain to use, I frontal pen two SdKfz 234 and it did not kill either one of them, all it had done was kill the driver. Only one KV-2 is left intact as a survivor of the war, it is housed at the Central Armed Forces Museum in Moscow. However APHE doesn't reliably pen some of the sturdier tanks the KV-2 faces. Some of the battle-capable KV-2s ended up with the Germans as trophies, and after some modernization, these vehicles turned their weapons on their creators. KV-2 is derp, crap armor, strange ammo (somethings wrong with those APHE rounds after the 1.63), long reload, bad mobility. Rely on always getting the first shot off, else the enemy tank is more than likely to destroy the KV-2. The powerful M-10 howitzer was installed in a modernized turret a lower profile than its predecessor, but still large. The size and horrible mobility did not serve it well on the battlefield. 2nd shot on the track, HE seems best for detracking. The ammo nerfs really messed it up. The KV-2 (1940) uses two-piece ammunition, composed of projectiles (yellow) and propellant bags (orange). r/warthundermemes Gaygching soviet cold war interceptors when? Find nice position, stay hidden behind a corner, building preferably, identify targets, peek out, boom, no more target. Getting close: Probably the most difficult part, if spotted a 40 kg shell will soon be on its way to ruin someone's day. The KV-2 Model 1940 is a premium tank, so every hit against an opponent provides additional Research Points and lots of Silver Lions. But you need to be authorized to proceed further. Or the researchable one. In total, around 330 models were built by the end of the war. The stern and gigantic KV-2 is an old friend to tankers in War Thunder. A shot on the top of the engine compartment sometimes sets it on fire. Has the armour of the KV-1 which will stop most Pz.III and T-34-76 shots, If a lighter vehicle is flanking the KV-2, the rear machine gun can take care of it, Turret is smaller than the 1939 model, so it's less easier to spot and more easy to conceal. Tall turret is very vulnerable from the side and difficult to hide. The minimum supported resolution for the game is 720p. Unless moving forwards at a certain gear, the KV-2 (1939) is also very hard to turn on even ground. Go for it! Valve Corporation. The KV-2 can be an effective force on the battlefield, and is well-loved by the community, being christened with numerous nicknames, usually in reference to its abnormally large armament calibre, large profile, or its iconic and legendary status in the Soviet tech tree. Top speed for the vehicle on flat ground is only about 34 km/h, and accelerating is very slow to get the tank up to this speed. Its armour-piercing 52 kg round with a 436 m/s muzzle velocity penetrated a 72 mm thick armour plate at a distance of 1,500 m at a 60 angle. Video Card: DirectX 10.1 level video card: AMD Radeon 77XX / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660. The KV-2 Model 1940 is a premium tank, so every hit against an opponent provides additional Research Points and lots of Silver Lions. In Arcade, the target lead indicator make the slow, but long-range penetrating PB-35 APCBC a destructive force to be afraid of since ranging is a lot easier for the low-velocity shells. It was introduced during the Closed Beta Test for Ground Forces before Update 1.41. The profile makes concealing the tall, heavy tank difficult, while the turret armour is relatively poor all-around at 75 mm. Despite effective usage, very few were made, with the majority being lost due to breakdowns. (Posted July 2, 2019). All these vehicles were equipped with a 71-TK-3 radio set. I can get behind that. 20112023 Gaijin Games Kft. Shooting a KV-2 from the side is much easier, just one massive turret reaching into the sky. The German Kv-2 is the Kv-2 (1940) I believe 1 Vraling 1 yr. ago 3- it fuckin looks cool, with its rack in the back hull that historically stored extra shells to the better looking cupola to the different camos, its wonderful 15 Thatoneshadowbunny Zis-30 Enthusiast 1 yr. ago It's a 1940 model, that why It has the coax. With its excellent cannon, good armour and large crew, the KV-2 is one of the leading figures to be found on the battlefield, where it can fight equally well in defense, in a breakthrough or while supporting allied medium or heavy tanks. Created to destroy enemy fortifications, the KV-2 proved to be less effective than expected in going up against the mechanized forces of Germany in tank battles of the early 40s. At the beginning of World War II, it became clear that 76 mm cannons werent powerful enough for heavy tanks. #11 Straven Jun 28, 2020 @ 5:28pm Can't penetrate M4s frontally, KV-1's anywhere, T-34's frontally, BUT EVERYTHING CAN PEN THE KV2 NOW. [1] It had a range of 140 kilometers. Since the usual fighting ranges exceed 600 m, getting hits without aim assistance with the howitzer are rare. Well I mean, i wouldn't say it's trash, but it's way down at 3.7 for a reason lol. More vehicles to annihilate my enemies with! Suspension wheels are 20 mm thick, torsion bars are 20 mm thick, and tracks are 30 mm thick. Make sure to plan the route ahead of time make sure to avoid large distances in the open, this is a slow moving tank with a large profile making it an easy target for long barreled guns. KV-2 is not what it used to be. The large turret housing the 152 mm howitzer is a huge target on the KV-2, a more enticing target than the hull. LOVE IT! Getting close: Probably the most difficult part, if spotted a 40 kg shell will soon be on its way to ruin someone's day. 20112022 Gaijin Games Kft. It was introduced during the Closed Beta Test for Ground Forces before Update 1.41. The KV-2 is a modification of the KV-1 that mounted a 152 mm howitzer in order to provide support to infantry against fortified positions. The KV-2 easily identified by even the least experienced players and as soon as it fires one round, it will be out-manoeuvred on and forced to retreat or be violently removed. Its ammunition complement for its main gun amounted to only 38 shells. Even most anti-air vehicles can effortlessly overrun and destroy the KV-2 if it is over-extended or alone. Now they both have the same amount of penetration according to the calculator, 95mm, but the KV-2 has a much larger caliber gun (152m vs 120mm) which means it overmatches the armour much more and thus reduces the effectiveness of the Sherman more. You can pen Shermans easily from the front with the Sav. The howitzer had relatively good characteristics. The armour on the KV tank was impenetrable by an tank cannon in service and most anti-tank guns as well, the 76.2 cannon also gave it a huge firepower boost compared to the usual 37 mm in use by other countries. I don't have experience with the KV-2, but I'd imagine that you'd want to be using pure HE for such light targets. Though close-range fighting can fix this, the close-quarters battle is not a tactic the KV-2 should indulge in alone without supporting teammates to cover for the tank in case of flankers. The KV-2 had a top speed of 25.5 kilometers per . [2]The next variant produced was the flame version which utilized the large size of the turret to store fuel for a flamethrower on board. Archived post. I know what you're thinking, another video of a KV-2 one-shot derping everything in sight, and yeah, that's in here. If the enemy tank still remains after the OF-530 shell, the next loading G-530 shell can follow through the same ballistic path and destroy the enemy via a penetration. These were transferred to the 3rd Mech Corps on 9 July, and by 18 July only 1 was left serviceable - 5 were destroyed on 12 July, and 4 are recorded as being in repair from 13 July.[1]. Learn more about our. It was also armed with three DT machine guns. If I had to choose just one ammo type, I'd go with HE as unlike APHE it can kill any tank the KV-2 faces. The KV-2 is a behemoth of a tank, which players feared due to the devastating punch of its 152 mm round and its distinctive and intimidating profile. A tip for long-range fighting is to utilize the OF-530 HE shell in the first shot, with spare G-530 SAPCBC rounds for the follow-up. Couple that with this tank's inability to provide effective long range support and players will have a difficult time finding their niche with this vehicle. Of course after the KV-2 has fired, a window of opportunity and hope will open up. [1]. In Arcade, the target lead indicator make the slow, but long range penetrating PB-35 SAPCBC a destructive force to be afraid of since ranging is a lot easier for the low-velocity shells. At its battle rating, most enemy tanks have the capability of penetrating and eliminating the KV-2 through the turret, not to mention even some of the lower rank ones have powerful enough guns to deal with the armour. rehome bichon frise, does dollar tree sell blank cds, A reward vehicle for the game is 720p Chronicles of World War II in-game Model,. A 71-TK-3 radio set on 10 April 2023, at 11:27 fortifications it. Without aim assist with the GF-530 stock shell cool and good at kv 2 war thunder, then! World War II KV-2 was a self-propelled gun, also classified as a fan of the (. 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